热搜: 3D 4K 2019 2020 UHD
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[一路响叮当 Jingle All the Way 1996][CEE版 原盘中字][HDClub][36.45GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: jamielai 2024-12-9 15:50 233 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc13 DVD9 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-9 12:45 209 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc12 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-9 12:44 240 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc11 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-9 12:32 202 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc09 DVD9 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-9 12:31 203 2 2
[虎口脱险 La grande vadrouille 1966][DIY上译国配 简繁中字][george.c@HDR][22.70GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-16| 最后发表: 四处看看 2024-12-9 11:37 176 2 3
[巴贝特之宴 Babette's Feast 1987][CC版 DIY简繁 双语 国配花絮中字@白自在][HDR][43.56GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-15| 最后发表: zymhjh 2024-12-9 10:38 448 9 9
[朱门巧妇 Cat on a Hot Tin Roof 1958][奥斯卡奖七项提名 DIY简繁字幕@weidagui][32.11GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: jgxyhx 2024-12-9 09:12 454 8 9
[剑鱼行动 Swordfish 2001][DIY双国语 简繁双语导评中字][CHDBits][22.89GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-16| 最后发表: kangda040 2024-12-9 07:49 579 9 9
[明日世界 Tomorrowland 2015][原盘DIY次世代国语国配 简繁双语特效字幕 菜单已修改][HDSKY][38.57GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-17| 最后发表: 小威达人 2024-12-8 22:56 410 9 9
[犀利人妻 The Fierce Wife Final Episode 2012][台版 原盘中字][HDWinG][37.02GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-19| 最后发表: eagyoo 2024-12-8 16:44 130 1 1
[大巧局 Family Plot 1976][DIY简繁双语中字@nihao521][38.46GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-15| 最后发表: eagyoo 2024-12-8 16:02 122 1 1
[迷失东京 Lost in Translation 2003][DIY中英双语上译国配@白自在][HDR][33.90GB] attach_img  ...2
HDDUCK  2021-8-17| 最后发表: yinbaby 2024-12-8 15:29 595 12 14
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc10 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-8 12:52 218 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc08 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-8 12:49 212 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc07 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-8 12:48 192 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc06 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-8 12:46 303 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc05 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-8 12:45 186 2 2
[枪杀近距离 Close Range 2015][DIY繁简中字][XOXO@HDSky][21.11GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-18| 最后发表: 友烧友 2024-12-8 12:28 467 7 7
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc03 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-8 11:47 193 2 2
[摩羯星一号 Capricorn One 1977][DIY简繁体+央视长译国配@weiwei2001][21.57GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-17| 最后发表: wxxi520 2024-12-8 10:14 274 3 3
[旺角黑夜 One Nite In Mongkok 2004][原盘国粤语中字][19.83GB] attach_img  ...2
HDDUCK  2021-8-19| 最后发表: dlhz 2024-12-8 09:36 632 12 13
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc02 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-8 08:50 227 2 2
[异议与中断 Dissent & Disruption - The Complete Alan Clarke at the BBC][英BFI版 BOX收藏版][406.72GB]Disc01 attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-20| 最后发表: ysxbjp 2024-12-8 08:24 289 2 2
[次世代机动警察:首都决战 The Next Generation Patlabor Tokyo War 2015][DIY简繁中字][TTG][28.02GB] attach_img
HDDUCK  2021-8-15| 最后发表: yiming1900 2024-12-8 07:25 180 2 2
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