- [雌雄莫辨 Victor Victoria 1982][DIY简繁中字@碟痴痴][40.95GB] (3篇回复)
- [惊魂记 Psycho 1960][英版 原盘中字][CHDBits][45.35GB] (4篇回复)
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- [漫长美好的星期五 The Long Good Friday 1980][英Arrow版 DIY简繁中字+全菜单汉化@Anitafayer][44.43GB] (4篇回复)
- [太空炮弹 Spaceballs 1987][DIY简繁中字菜单修改@Anitafayer][46.11GB] (1篇回复)
- [安然无恙 Safe 1995][CC版 DIY简繁中字@Anitafayer][42.51GB] (1篇回复)
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- [不可撤销 Irreversible 2002][意大利版DIY简繁中字 修改Java菜单可以选择字幕][HDU][21.33GB] (4篇回复)
- [复仇在我 Vengeance is Mine 1979][CC版 DIY简繁中字@kaola][43.36GB] (19篇回复)
- [浩劫 Shoah 1985][CC版 3碟 无中字][HDWinG][135.31GB]Disc1 (8篇回复)
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- [西部开拓史 How the West Was Won 1962][双碟花碟 原盘中字][77.09GB]花絮 (10篇回复)
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- [电视台风云 Network 1976][DIY简繁中字][HDR][23.67GB] (1篇回复)
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